e-mail: souza.nataliaa@gmail.com
Personal webpage http://natevolution.com/
Twitter @Nat2bee
ORCID: 0000-0002-0074-6844
Research interests

[Genetics] [Evolution] [Molecular Biology] [Bioinformatic] [Transcriptomic] [Epigenetic]
My main research interest is to use bioinformatic and molecular biology to answer exciting evolutionary questions. In this sense, I’ve been open to work with multiple organisms and topics.
Currently, in my Postdoc project at Université libre de Bruxelles, I'm the bioinformatician responsible for the gene expression and comparative analyses in a study about heat adaptation in ants (Ant adaptation to Hot and Arid Areas). In this study we look for gene expression and protein level responses to heat in the Cataglyphis and other dessertic ants species. In parallel, I’m involved in the following studies:
•[start 2019] Beyond kin selection: molecular mechanisms keeping multiple queens in a bee colony - LGEA (USP)
•[start 2018] Unravelling gene conversion genome-wide patterns through deep sequencing and extended pedigree analyses - GIGA (Uliege)
•[start 2018] Genes involved in the evolution of parasitic behaviour in bees - LGEA (USP)
•[start 2015] Multiple lineages, same molecular tools: task specialization is commonly regulated across all eusocial bee groups - LGEA (USP); Wurm's lab (QMUL)
•[start 2014] Diapause in Tetrapedia diversipes (Hymenoptera: Apidae): a genomic and transcriptomic approach - LGEA (USP)
•[start 2012] Expression of Genes Involved in Social Behaviour of Bees with Different Levels of Eusociality - LGEA (USP); Wurm's lab (QMUL)
Recorded talks

•DNA methylation and the evolution of bee eusociality [2017]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuRrAc9Hrxs -
•Gene expression analyses of bivoltine behavior in the solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes [2015]
Press releases

•[Jan 2021] Desert ant heat survival guide
https://blog.myrmecologicalnews.org/2021/01/07/desert-ant-heat-survival-guide/ -
•[May 2019] SMRT Leiden Symposium Showcases Successes in Clinical and Conservation Genomics
https://www.pacb.com/blog/smrt-leiden-2019/ -
•[Aug 2018] IUSSI 2018 Interviews

Peer-reviewed scientific journals
Araujo NS, Arias MC (in press) Gene expression and epigenetics reveal species-specific mechanisms acting upon common molecular pathways in the evolution of task division in bees. Scientific Reports.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75432-8
Françoso E*, Araujo NS*, Ricardo PC, Santos PKF, Zuntini AR, Arias MC (2020) Evolutionary perspectives on bee mtDNA from mito-OMICS analyses of a solitary species. Apidologie.
doi: 10.1007/s13592-020-00740-x
Araujo NS, Arias MC (2019) Mitochondrial genome characterization of Melipona bicolor: Insights from the control region and gene expression data. Gene.
doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2019.04.042
Santos PKF, Araujo NS, Françoso E, Zuntini AR, Arias MC (2018) Diapause in a tropical oil-collecting bee: molecular basis unveiled by RNA-Seq. BMC Genomics.
doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4694-x
Araujo NS, Santos PKF, Arias MC (2018) RNA-Seq reveals that mitochondrial genes and long non-coding RNAs may play important roles in the bivoltine generations of the non-social Neotropical bee Tetrapedia diversipes. Apidologie.
doi: 10.1007/s13592-017-0542-2
Araujo NS, Zuntini AR, Arias MC (2016) Getting useful information from RNA-Seq contaminants: A case of study in the oil-collecting bee Tetrapedia diversipes transcriptome. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology.
doi: 10.1089/omi.2016.0054
Arias, MC et al. (2016) Microsatellite records for volume 8, issue 1. Conservation Genetics Resources.
doi: 10.1007/s12686-016-0522-2 [9 citations]
Araujo NS, Borges JCS (2015) Rodlet cells changes in Oreochromis niloticus in response to organophosphate pesticide and their relevance as stress biomarker in teleost fishes. International Journal of Aquatic Biology. 3(6), 398-408. [4 citations]
Araujo NS (2017) Expression of genes involved in the social behaviour of bees with different levels of eusociality. Doctoral theses, University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil.
doi: 10.11606/T.41.2017.tde-04102017-081728
Araujo NS (2012) Analyses of the Anastrepha fraterculus complex (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Brazil based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I sequences. MSc dissertation, University of São Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil.
doi: 10.11606/D.41.2012.tde-18122012-225903
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Araujo NS, Arias MC Gene expression analyses of bivoltine behaviour in the solitary bee Tetrapedia diversipes and its implication in eusociality. In: XI Encontro sobre Abelhas, 2015, Ribeirão Preto. Anais do XI Encontro sobre Abelhas. Ribeirão Preto: Moringa Comunicação LTDA, 2015. p. 186.
Araujo NS, Arias MC Transcriptome assembly for non-model Apinae bees: reference or de novo approach? In: 17th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 2014, Cairns. 17th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI), 2014.
Araujo NS, Silva JRMC, Borges JCS Células bastonetes como biomarcadores para águas contaminadas por agrotóxicos organofosforados. In: 7o Congresso de Iniciação Científica em Ciências Agrárias, Biológicas e Ambientais, 2009, São Paulo. O BIOLÓGICO. São Paulo, 2009. v. 71. p. 47.