Welcome to the unit of Evolutionary Biology & Ecology
Welcome to the unit of Evolutionary Biology & Ecology
Recent publications
Angbonda DMA, Ilunga-Mulala CM, Bourland N, et al. (In press) Inbreeding depression affects the growth of seedlings of an African timber species with a mixed mating reproductive system, Pericopsis elata (Harms) Meeuwen. Heredity.
Baudoux C, Biwolé A, Hardy OJ, Webber BL, Heuret P (2024) Can the competition dynamics of non-native invaders be reconstructed to reveal historical impact? The case of Cecropia peltata and Musanga cecropioides (Urticaceae) in Cameroon. Biological Invasions 26, 315-335.
Bhasin O, Doucet J-L, Ndonda Makemba R, et al. (2024) Contrasted spatial, demographic and genetic structures of a light-demanding African timber species, Cylicodiscus gabunensis Harms – Implications for a sustainable management of its populations. Forest Ecology and Management 551, 121527.
Dacquin P, Caiti E, Grégoire J-C, Aron S (2024) Preemergence mating, inbreeding, and their consequences in the bark beetle Ips typographus. Journal of Pest Science 97, 1005-1016.
Degueldre F, Aron S (2024) Accessory gland size increases with sperm competition intensity in Cataglyphis desert ants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1336015.
Duquesne E, Fournier D (2024) Connectivity and climate change drive the global distribution of highly invasive termites. Neobiota 92, 281-314.
Eleftheriadi K, Guiglielmoni N, Salces-Ortiz J, et al. (2024) The genome sequence of the Montseny horsehair worm, Gordionus montsenyensis sp. nov., a key resource to investigate Ecdysozoa evolution. Peer Community Journal 4, e32.
Kamdem NG, Sergeant S, Vercruysse C, et al. (2024) Development and characterization of nuclear microsatellite markers for the African walnut Coula edulis Baill (Coulaceae). Molecular Biology Reports 51, 438.
Lagnika M, Kayo RPT, Sonet G, Flot J-F, Martin P (2024) DNA taxonomy reveals high species diversity among the stygobiont genus Metastenasellus (Crustacea, Isopoda) in African groundwater. Subterranean Biology 48, 51-71.
Lecocq de Pletincx N, Cerdà X, Kiran K, et al. (2024) Ecological diversification preceded geographical expansion during the evolutionary radiation of Cataglyphis desert ants. iScience 27, 109852.
Poncelet J-F, Orange C, de Biseau J-C (2024) Conditions for the construction of the Darwinian concept of natural selection by 6th-grade pupils in French-speaking Belgium. In: The evolution of life: teaching, learning and training - New approaches on current research in the didactics of evolution (eds. Fortin C, Gobert J), pp. 243-272. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
Timmermans J, Hellemans S, Křivánek J, et al. (In press) How inquilinism shaped breeding systems in a termite host-inquiline relationship. Molecular Ecology.
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Serge Aron • Patrick Mardulyn
Evolutionary Biology & Ecology
Université libre de Bruxelles
Av. F.D. Roosevelt, 50, CP 160/12
B-1050 Brussels
Solbosch campus, Building U
door C, floor 4